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For the churning of milk bringeth out butter, And the wringing of the nose bringeth out blood, And the forcing of anger bringeth out strife! – ASLAN International Ministry

Aslan International Ministry
Aslan International Ministry
For the churning of milk bringeth out butter, And the wringing of the nose bringeth out blood, And the forcing of anger bringeth out strife! – ASLAN International Ministry

posted by ASLAN International Ministry

Aslan International Ministry
Aslan International Ministry
For the churning of milk bringeth out butter, And the wringing of the nose bringeth out blood, And the forcing of anger bringeth out strife! – ASLAN International Ministry
For the churning of milk bringeth out butter, And the wringing of the nose bringeth out blood, And the forcing of anger bringeth out strife!

Aslan International Ministry Episode 815

ASLAN International Ministry

Aslan International Ministry
Aslan International Ministry
For the churning of milk bringeth out butter, And the wringing of the nose bringeth out blood, And the forcing of anger bringeth out strife! – ASLAN International Ministry

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